
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us.- Daniel 3:17.

                I had first thought Jeremy and I would stay home New Year’s eve, he does better at home and it’s easier for me.  I decided at the last minute to go spend the night at my parents.  It still makes me feel like a little girl staying there, my sister and I who shared a room when we lived at home even shared a bed that night.  I wasn't expecting to experience such heart-wrenching grief so early in the year but I did and all I can say is my hope is in GOD. 
                My dad had cancer but was doing well, he was sick over Christmas but was still getting around for the most part.  My brother called me just as I was getting ready to go visit families at the hospital and told me dad had fell so I felt like I needed to go see dad.  I’m glad I did, he was doing pretty good, we all visited, prayed for dad, he even prayed.  I kissed dad and told him I loved him and left about midnight.  I was grateful to know that my dad in his last days gained the knowledge and accepted Jesus Christ and was trusting him for his life.  I went back out there the next day and as I turned the corner from Heyburn dam I was just slapped in the face with the beautiful vision.  The sun was popping out of the cloudy sky with rays shining down.  I pulled over to take a few pictures, prayed and thanked GOD for just being who he is, so mighty and powerful, loving us for who we are.  I prayed for dad, cried and knew in my heart they were coming to get dad.  I couldn't believe the difference in dad when I got there, he was much worse.  Then later that evening my sister, niece and I was sitting out on the porch and there just came up a nice, peaceful, cool, breeze, the leaves were rustling and I told my sister that there are angels around us.  We spent the day, holding dad’s hand, telling him we loved him, talking to him.  I left after midnight to go home, I was so emotionally exhausted.  I received the phone call on January 12 at 4:25 a.m. that dad just peacefully took his last breath.  I was heart-broken but the reality had not set in and it didn't hit me until on the way out there I passed the Sheriff’s car and had to pull over and realized dad was gone.  It was hard to walk into the house and not see dad.  My parents moved into this house when I started 1st grade, its the home I remember.  When we got home about 10 that night we just fell into bed, we were both so exhausted.  It was hard to get up to cath Jeremy at 1:30 a.m.  I finally got him back to bed and noticed him laying there, very still, peacefully staring up at the ceiling, then turning his head to the left like he saw or heard something.  I laid there, the house was very quiet.  Jeremy then turned his head like he was tracking someone walking from the door to my side of the bed and he fell asleep.  I then felt something brush my shirt, it startled me and I turned around.  I then fell asleep and slept like a log.  I truly believe that was God’s sending comfort to me.  I have felt peaceful but still can’t believe dad is gone.  I am grateful for the dad he was, he was a great dad.  I’m grateful for my mom and siblings and I’m so proud of who we all came together as a family.     
“Thanks be to GOD, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”  1 Corinthians 15:57
When I took the pic I didn't notice the clouds

Exact same location take on Sunday, Jan 13

Jeremy with his Papa (my dad) 5th grade graduation