
Friday, October 26, 2018

My Feet are on the Rock !!!

We were so excited to start September off with welcoming, my niece, Jeremy’s cousin, Brandi back to the USA after faithfully serving our God over in Brazil for the past several years.  We have all missed her so much and so excited to have her back here with us.   

My little mystery minion continues down that path.   I notice when we got home from the airport that day he was tired, not really eating and starting to have some desaturations and a sporadic rash.  We see the doctor the next day, did some blood work but nothing came up.   He started that Thursday having major desaturations down into the 70’s, his school was amazing and worked to get him above 90 although he required more oxygen.  I had a conversation with Dr. Walters.  We went that afternoon to see our new Neurologist, Dr. Hussain and we love him he was very informative and listened to my concerns.           The next day I have to admit I was preparing myself for a similar situation.  As a mom I felt something wasn’t right with Jeremy, just could pinpoint what was going on.  I start getting text right away about oxygen desaturations, turning him up.  Then he’s down to 63, we are calling EMSA.  I rush to school, calling doctor on the way to inform and receive a phone call asking me where I was they were going to transport him, I instructed to take him to St. Francis and I would follow but I was almost at the school.  Then nothing prepares you for the scene of driving into the school parking to see EMSA and fire truck with lights knowing they are there for your son, you run in and no one will look you in the eye and you are not sure exactly how to expect to see your son.  He was starting to come around and acting like himself so I took him to the ER, we didn’t get any answers but did have instructions to keep him on more oxygen and all test were coming back normal.  The rest of that month and next was a barrage of doctor appointments, blood work, tests and eventually a nasty UTI.  Jeremy still continues to have low T- Cells, and it seems that the only bacteria he grows for an UTI is the nasty klebsiella pneumoniae.  We aren’t sure at this point why Jeremy is requiring more oxygen but he does.  We will be repeating a sleep study end of December to check all of that. 

We are enjoying fall, the weather has been amazing, we have all of our Halloween decorations out and ready for Halloween this week to hand out candy hopefully we will have some trick or treaters.  Jeremy is doing well, very ornery, becoming verbal and the minion cat is spoiled and continues that pathway. 

I am loving the song, “My feet are on the rock” by I am They.  It seems to represent my life as I know many others right now.  I see the clouds, winds roll in, waters rise, feel like I’m drowning.  I refuse to give Fear a foot hold.  I see joy, I see the joy because my faith is planted in Christ alone and his unchanging grace, he doesn’t change, he can’t change, GOD is GOD always and forever.    

I can see the clouds roll in
And I can feel the wind as they try to shake me
I will not be moved
My feet are on the Rock

I can feel the waters rise
And I can hear the howling lies that haunt me
Fear won't hold me now
My feet are on the Rock

I can see the morning light
I can feel the joy on the horizon
Here my faith is found
I stand in solid ground!...

When I feel my hope about to break
I will cling to Your unchanging grace
Let the waters come and the earth give way
I'll be dancing in the rain!
My feet are on the Rock

On Christ the solid Rock I stand
All other ground is sinking sand
So stomp your feet and clap your hands
Our feet are on the Rock

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