
Friday, January 20, 2012

I said...........

                We have transitioned back to “normal” life after the holidays in Jeremy world.  Jeremy is in school, I’m back at work and we have got our groove going. 
                Jeremy has became a little pig, eating good, trying new food items and staying healthy.  We have a regime that is working for him right now and his last UTI was Christmas Eve.  I added a cranberry tablet with a probiotic and no pop allowed.  If he starts to act like he isn’t feeling well, no energy, not eating we leave some of the gentyamacian solution in overnight.  He has also became good at carrying on a conversation in an expressive manner, not sure where he got that.  
                We are truly enjoying this awesome fall/spring weather because Jeremy gets to play outside and loves it.  I came home from work Monday and he was out in the carport with the nurse rolling the ball, having a blast so we sit out there before coming in to cook dinner and he didn’t want to come in.     
                We are going to our home away from home, Columbia, Missouri next week.  We leave Wednesday morning, January 25 to see Mike Jackson that afternoon to get measured for a new TSLO brace and if there is enough time we will go visit our friends at the Children’s Hospital.  The next morning we go see our Super-hero, Dr. Dan in clinic at 8am and Mike will bring the new brace to fit Jeremy for it.  I am not expecting much from the visit in way of future plans unless the scoliosis has progressed which that chance always exist.  We then have an appointment at 10:30 at the Zimmer Radio Group to do a pre-recorded montage for their upcoming radio-thon, where I will share Jeremy’s story and what the University of Missouri Children’s Hospital has meant to us.  They have all been so awesome through the journey and I’ve wanted to do this for the past few years but it just never worked out.  I would love to be there for the radio-thon but it’s March 1 and 2.  I am planning on returning March 9 for the Pascale’s Pals auction and really want to support their efforts.  They supported us while we were there, brought Jeremy his colored Nook, his DVD player, DVD’s and a signed hat by Nascar driver Carl Edwards.   
                Jeremy started his new job this week as an office aide in the Middle School, his teacher said he really likes going down there and everyone just loves him.  I know he has been in an awesome, great mood.  This week Jeremy has been very verbal, has had a lot to share.  I have a video of him sitting on the cabinet I will download this weekend, it's funny several times you hear Jeremy say, "I said" 

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