
Friday, April 20, 2012

Quick update

Jeremy ended up with yet another Urinary tract infection this past week, I thought he was about to battle it on his own but then the fever, the culture came back growing something.   The plan is to treat this one and then go on a preventive protocol.  We got the MRI done and the ventricles are not enlarged, looks great.  The shunt that was rotated or something possibly pushing on it, there is nothing on the MRI and when you compare to the one in 2009 it was about the same so no issue there.  He does have sinusitis, so we will follow up with our Pediatrician or ENT, this is also the reason he's been pointing to his head.   I cancelled all of Jeremy therapy appointments, he was tired and needed to rest and he had a great week, was walking all over the place and even caught the little turkey standing in the middle of the floor balancing himself. 

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