
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Uneventful weekend.... Ha ha

We decided that Jeremy wasn't emptying his bladder enough so we would install a Foley Catheter at night.  We are trying to figure out what works best to prevent all the Urinary Tract Infections (UTI's).  If his bladder was empty there would be nothing for the bacteria to dwell on.  My goal is to get him off of the maintenance antibiotics.  It's no big deal to install one, the nurse would do it before she left and I would remove first thing in the morning.  It was simple to remove, deflate the little balloon and it slides out.  It was working well.  

I had made arrangements to have lunch and see a movie with a friend who has a child with special needs.  We have been friends for years and it's always good to pick her brain since her child is older.  It was a nice morning, good time at the movie and then Ted's for a wonderful, delicious lunch.  I came home and Jeremy and I took a wonderful nap.  You have to remember I reside in Jeremy world..... so we don't necessarily understand the word normal.....

It was time to install the Foley Cather and irrigate his bladder, process was done easily like it had been done all that week.  Jeremy decided it didn't belong and pulled the tube.  We didn't think he pulled it to hard, there was a little pink in the bag but the normal saline didn't drain out, so I removed it thinking it was possibly clogged, flushed it out with no problem but there was blood in the tube.  We removed the Cather and Jeremy started bleeding profusely and it wouldn't stop.  I put a diaper on him, loaded him up and rushed him to St. Francis Pediatric ER.  I was an emotional wreck, I haven't had this type of situation with Jeremy at home.  My wonderful home health nurse stayed and cleaned up all the blood on the floor. I've been extremely blessed with awesome nurses.  The security guard was super nice, parked my car for me, check in was awesome.  Then we get Mr. I want to re-diagnose your child "Resident", a nurse who treated me like I a mom from Mars and ER doctor did exactly what an Urologist who has never seen my son said with no questions.  I wasn't happy.  They installed another Foley, antibiotics for 10 days and you are ready to go home.  There is no urine in the bag and the nurse informed me he was probably empty.  I told her, "no we installed 120 ml of normal saline before we left it's still in there, and I'm not leaving to only get home and him start peeing blood and end up driving back over here".  The doctor came back in and  I told her the same thing.  It took J about 30 minutes before he started to pee and it was red, I kept emptying it into the container and it finally started to have less red.  The nurse and doctor came in and said, "wow that's lot"  I wanted to say, "Yea he must be empty"  but I was nice.  We got home about 1am, gave J his meds and we passed out.  Home health nurse came in the next morning and I was so glad to have them familiar eyes on J.  I talked to Dr. Oren Miller, he wanted the Foley left in for 10 days, allow him to heal and then we would come up with a new game plan.  I took him in to see Dr. Cyrus so he could put eyes on him.  We left the Foley in, Jeremy did well until that Sunday, he started to tug on it so we had to watch him super close.  It was removed with ease and trauma seems to have healed.

My work with the Oklahoma Family Network, gives me assess to specialist and by specialist I mean moms who deal with what I deal with.  I am fortunate to have a PICU nurse who also has to catheterize her daughter so I was up visiting families and sit down with her, she gave me awesome advice.  We came up with a new plan we will Cathe Jeremy 5 times a day, first thing in the morning with irrigation, around noon, around 3-4 with irrigation, right before bed, and then I get up at 1:30am to catheterize him.  It's been almost 2 weeks and it's working fairly well.  He gets off the antibiotics on Monday and that will be the catcher if he remains free of UTI's.

Jeremy got botox, did very well with the procedure always does and makes a huge difference in his stiffness. Yesterday staff took him for a walk, and he walked back home with his walker.  Super amazing boy....

God has blessed me with many families who I get to help along their journey but also help me along my journey, he's also blessed me with some great doctors for Jeremy who do value my input as mom and recognize me as an expert.....

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