
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Jeremy at school

This is a video of Jeremy at school, we were trying to get some to show our Pediatrician, Dr. Cyrus so he could see how Jeremy's medicine were working. It's easier than trying to describe the situation. This video Jeremy was suppose to find the number of items and push the button on the device but he wasn't wanting to do the task. He was trying to keep himself busy and move around and not do the task that was requested of him. Dr. Cyrus summed it up and said, "Jeremy will do what Jeremy is determined to do" and we have seen this throughout Jeremy's life. Jeremy has had a really good year, made some good progress. Enjoy J in action....

1 comment:

Katja mit Fabian und Florian said...

Hi from Germany,

I found your blog by chance.

I have a special needs child, too.

My son, Fabian, age 10, is wheelchair bound since he fell from a tree two years ago.

It was a very hard time for all of us after Fabians accident. The moment when the doctor told us, that Fabian is paralyzed and the moment when we must told him that he never walk again, was so terrible. Especially terrible was the day, when Fabian got his first wheelchair. I still cry when I saw him sitting in his wheelchair at the first time.

But Fabian is so brave! I am so proud of him.

Since his accident Fabian visits a school for special needs kids. All other kids in his class are disabled, too. The most kids must use a wheelchair, tree kids can walk with a walker / quad canes.

Every Saturday Fabian visits a sport group for children in wheelchairs. Two hours they play together in their wheelchairs. It is so funny for the kids.

Two month ago he got a new “Spidermann”-wheelchair.

If you are interest I will send you some photos of him in his new wheelchair.

I will be glad about a short answer mail.

Best wishes Katja