
Friday, May 7, 2010

Happy Mother's Day 2010 !!!!!!!!

This afternoon I took a couple of hours of vacation to get some highlights in my hair, buy a birthday gift for my niece's birthday party and a trip over to the Pediatrician's office to pick up J's ADHD medicine. When I got home had time to throw a load of clothes into the washer and the bus arrived, they told me there was some breakable things in his bag. I started going through J's backpack to see what he made me, there was a cute laminated picture of him, a flower made out of a sponge, card and a potted flower. I read the card, the inside read, "happy mother's day I love you, Jeremy. I knew Jeremy didn't write that, I also know that even though he is non-verbal that he does love me. The outside of the card read, "your gift was from Jeremy. He learned how to plant flowers from a master gardener. He did all the planting himself using a picture schedule with a little assistance." So, with tears rolling down my face, it wasn't the thought that Jeremy even made it for me but it was that he did that on his own using a picture schedule. He has had a great year, with lots of progress but I've seen so much maturity.

We will get up tomorrow and then do something we've not done in years, Jeremy and I will go buy groceries. He does ok sometimes but it gets difficult when it comes time to check out. Sunday we will go to church and then go out to my mom's to celebrate mother's day....

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