
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The day the Cop showed up.....

Oh yea, it happened. I often times last spring made the comment my neighbors were some day going to call the cops on me. Jeremy, ah precious, sweet, lovable, funny, ornery, attention seeking Jeremy who loves to throw his ball into the road. This is a game, why? It is because his mom is going to run down the road as fast as I can to grab the ball before it gets to far down the road, then when I turn to come back he darts to the road. This gives me heart failure, so what do I do, scream like an idiot for Jeremy to stay out of the road and waving my arms. We live on a busy street and cars drive fast. My little boy thrives on attention, the more he gets no matter good or bad, so it is now a game. I revised his little game, if he throws the ball into the road, we walk hand-in-hand to get the ball, he gets a spanking and the ball goes up. Jeremy just recently started the game back up, he is feeling more like himself.

Monday, Jeremy has OT & Speech therapy at the house with Stacie and Barb (who are just AWESOME). Jeremy knows when he gets off the bus they are coming so we hang out in the driveway. Jeremy helps Stacie go through her bag of goodies to pick out what he wants to work on. Jeremy worked really hard on Monday. When it was time for Stacie and Barb to leave, we go outside and Jeremy throws his ball into the road. I told him come on you know the rules. We get the ball, I throw it over our fence and Jeremy wanted me to carry him, I told him, "No, if he was going to throw the ball, we were going to go get it and he was walking with me." When we got to our fence he wanted the ball, I told him stay here and I will get it. I turn my back and he runs to the road. I spanked his butt and explain why this can't be done and made him go inside and the ball goes up. After supper he wanted to go outside, I told him wait and let me get my shoes on and I hear the door open and he is gone. I have to fly out the door to catch him, and he gets another spanking. We started walking along the ally next to our neighbors because his dog comes to the fence and Jeremy likes to pet the dog. I left the front door open we weren't that far.

I noticed a Cop car drove by and waved. I look up and he had pulled into our driveway with his lights on. My heart stopped and I thought OMG, it happened, someone finally called the cops on me. I asked him, "is there a problem?" The cop was very nice, and said he got concerned when he seen us walking and the front door open. He started asking Jeremy, what was his name, how old he was? I explained to him that Jeremy was 11 years old, has special needs and mostly non-verbal and the front door was open because he ran out the door and I had to catch him.

I remember after J's spine surgery when he quit using his legs and I had thoughts even week after we were home was he ever going to use his legs, walk, run do the things that Jeremy does.

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