
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Jeremy growing up

Jeremy has started waving at people and it is beyond the cutest thing in the world to see this.  We will be out somewhere and occasionally he will meet someone and he will stop and wave, as if to say, "do you see me waving at you"  He is just growing up in so many ways.

Last Friday Jeremy was scheduled to get a cavity fixed so that requires us doing dental rehab at the hospital.  We check in at admissions and go up to Pediatric surgery/waiting.  While we were walking out I noticed Jeremy's Pediatrician walking up the stairs, I told Jeremy, "there is Dr. Cyrus" I was going to say something to him but J took care of that and started squealing and Dr. Cyrus, stopped and said, I know who that is.  We visited for a bit but Jeremy was not quit sure he liked seeing Dr. Cyrus at the hospital.  Jeremy played in the waiting room, interacted with another little boy and did well.  When it was time to go back the tech got him ready, the nurse came in and there was Dr. Winder.  It was awesome it happened so quick.  I tried to give Jeremy the verstat but in the process it squirted everywhere so he got very little in his mouth.  The nurse put up the edges of the bed, Jeremy slung his arm over the edge of the bed, "Like mom, hold my hand" and I did until he turned the corner and told him, you are such a big boy, you go with the nurse and she is going to take good care of you.  I watched her wheel him down the hall and he was looking at the scenes.  I went to the waiting room and got a special treat, got to visit with one of the mom's I've been supporting, they were also having surgery.  I visited until they took her back, then went down to get my cup of coffee and a muffin.  They came and got me at 9:30 to speak to Dr. Winder and by 11:30 we were on our way home. 

Jeremy was sleeping so soundly, got a video of him doing his cute little snore....

Jeremy was very verbal and in a great mood.  I stopped at Arby's to grab him a bite to eat, got him some waffle fries, probably not the best choice of foods since they were fried, but he literally ate every last one of them and only offered me 2.  

Monday evening, I went to Taco May to get us a taco salad, the lady at the drive-thru window was Jeremy's bus driver when he was in pre-school and she always makes over Jeremy.  I rolled down his window so he could see and when I turned around as we were pulling away, he was waving at her.

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