
Monday, June 13, 2011

"Let the Peace of GOD rule in your hearts." Colossians 3:15

Jeremy has been out of school for 2 weeks and we are for sure enjoying this summer.  It has been a blessing that he gets nursing and Maximum Health Care has been awesome in getting good nurses, he has Matt through the week which he's beyond awesome and then Loveline on Friday, who is awesome.  Jeremy gets to sleep in, do some relaxing and play around the house.  He does have PT, OT and SLP at home through the week and Misty his HTS started last week so she is working with him during the day on school work.  I was able to switch my hours to work 7am to 3:30pm and it's been nice to not have to battle with Jeremy in the morning.  Jeremy continues to make slow gains, he is wanting to stand more, I noticed last week that he is starting to be able to balance himself while sitting, he can use one hand to do something else.  Jeremy just continues to increase his speech, his newest favorite phase, like I would ever leave him in the car when we pull up somehwere, "I want Out".....
J was working the computer doing some school work
I have been thinking of this song the last few days, "Sometimes he calms the child".  The storm are still going on in my life.  I know that GOD could stop it if this was his will and know that all it would require is him breathe the words, "storms be still" and they would cease to exist.  I know he hears every prayer, sees every tear that I've shed when I cry out to him in not understanding.  He has reasons that are beyond my human understanding.  I am trusting his ways as this is what is best for my life.  He has calmed his child.  This is beyond what I ever imagined when we first got home back in February.  
"I will give peace....and none shall make you afraid." Leviticus 26:6

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