
Monday, July 11, 2011

"Call unto me,

and I will answer thee."  Jeremiah 33:3
The moments in Jeremy's life as his mom would literally knock the breath out of me, send me crashing to my knees, looking straight up and no doubt there is a God.  I serve a God who loves me and Jeremy to his very core, so much that he took our place in death to provide an everlasting life....     

Monday, August 9, 99, as I am recovering from an emergency C-section that would bring into this world, my world, my little boy, Jeremy Ray who would answer a 8 year prayer of me being a mom and mom to a little boy.  Our family all around, Jeremy was doing well and so much joy all around.  It was 12:30pm an open of the door brings in Dr. Scott Cyrus, I introduced him as Jeremy's Pediatrician and with the words, I suspect your son has hydrocephalus my dream was busted.  Wednesday, August 23, 2000, 8am, very nice surgical nurses take my barely 1 year old son, weighing 14 pounds out of my arms to take him back to prep for major open-heart surgery and repair 3 separate heart defects.  Our family all around, I broke down with fear that I would never see my baby alive again.  Friday, August 6, 2010, 6pm, a different state, new town, a new hospital and the only person I knew was Jeremy's surgeon.  My mom was with me, had slipped downstairs to get us something to eat and I was making plans to go to the motel to get some rest as Jeremy was stable and resting.  I was alone with the thoughts, glad to get this surgery out of the way.  Then a quiet slip into the room by Dr. Daniel Robertson, didn't even know who he was and the quiet spoken words, we don't know why Jeremy isn't moving his legs but I've spoken with Dr. Hoernschemeyer and he wants to do an MRI to check for a spinal cord injury, do you have any questions?  Friday, January 28, 2011, been all alone for 17 days, the familar Dr. Dan finally comes into the room and I could see he was clearly upset at the way surgery had went, took forever for him to speak the first word, I feared the words, occasionally he would turn away.

I don't know why these events happened the way they did, God didn't promise me anywhere that I would have health and wealth but he tells us that while we are in this world we will have trials but do not fear for I have overcame this world, that is my promise and security.  I just know through these times in our life, sometimes the plan is revealed, some time it's years later, some I don't have the answer and I have learned it's up for me to trust God, not know his plans, purpose for everything that he brings but to trust him and have the promise this world is not my home.

We had a great annual 4th of July celebration at my sister's, after church, the day was food, playing in the pool, a few water volleyball games, eating more, and the fireworks. 

J crawled all over the place, we had so much fun playing in the pool and sitting in the hot-tub
"In every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known unto God." Philippians 4:6]
J hid the key to my treadmill, and laughed as I looked for it. 
J passed out, he was so tired...

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