I went to download some pics of our St. Louis trip but my adorable, creative son had deleted everything on my camera except one of him at school. One day we are going to figure out how he can use them powers for good. I had one of my mom & Jeremy while we were eating, mom looked spaced out and Jeremy looked like he was waving but it's gone.
I have decided to fill out the application for Dallas-Scotish Rite, there is just something driving me to keep pushing it and I can't let it go until I know that as Jeremy's mom I've done all I can do. Don't ask me why but I just have this driving edge to make sure. I sent the physician referral to Dr. Cyrus and when I get it back I'll mail in the application and will see. If I get a letter that says, "no" then I will know that GOD has shut that door.
I have almost collected all the spine test done on Jeremy since birth. I've just got to get the last 3 spine X-rays done at Dr. Anagnost new office. I got a CD from his last office with 8 years worth of spine X-rays. I had all the ones done at St. Francis in my own personal Jeremy radiology file. Yes I have a radiology file, 10 years worth of brain MRI & CT, shunt series, spine X-rays, skeletal surveys.
Jeremy had some issues last week that I was almost certain we would be checking the shunt, he ran into a little boy in gym and then into a wall, he was wanting me to carry him, he was aggressive just suspicious shunt things. He had an awesome weekend, he's been in a really good, loving mood and really verbal. I put him on what I call, "shunt" watch, if things keep building or become suspicious we will be seeing Dr. Cyrus and go from there. We do have a eye appointment on Nov 24 and are going to start some vision therapy. We see Dr. Marouk on Dec 7 to talk about the last MRI and have our 2 year check. Then I need to get a follow-up with Dr. Kayser the geneticist to see if some of our latest findings change anything for the J man...
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