
Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I've gathered all spine X-rays needed to send to Dr. Bridwell but something just hasn't felt right about sending them in, so I still have them sitting on my desk.

I think I wanted to wait and see if Dallas-Scottish Rite tells me "yes" or "no" plus after doing research Dr. Bridwell uses a fusion material that has not yet been approved by the FDA and do I want something fused to Jeremy's spine not yet approved. I also realize that Jeremy's spine may not be fused that may not be the treatment. I do know once I send Jeremy's X-rays to a physician I'm at their mercy to get them back to me. I know Jeremy needs to have his spine fixed, one way or the other and I'm not trying to prolong this, I have accepted this fact. I have prayed since day 1 that GOD lead me to the surgeon/facility and I can't rest until I feel I have found that person.

I can be a resourceful person, have lots of resources I can seek out, and one flaw I've developed since being Jeremy's mom is often I speak before thinking. It has got me in trouble but it's also opened doors. I went to OFN and they went to Missouri p2p. I made this request back before we met Dr. Bridwell and just got an answer today. They put me in touch with a Christian mom, who has a child fairly similar to Jeremy, he's mobile, very active & determined, has 1 heart defect but he was older when he had his surgery so they could fuse his spine. This mom was wanting to make sure they did the right thing by their son. Dr. Bridwell was not that person, so she continued to research and found a Pediatric Orthopedic surgeon who specializes in spinal deformity, who also has a child with special needs and is a Christian. He is at Columbia, MO. She is going to email the physician they ended up being good friends to tell him about Jeremy and ask if it's ok if I email and find out if he would treat Jeremy before we make that trip up there. Is he the right surgeon, is Dr. Bridwell or is Dallas Scotish Rite or is their one out there I've not heard of yet? I don't have that answer but my plan is to continue to follow all leads until I feel certain GOD has lead me where we need to be.

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