
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

1st day of.....

Today was Jeremy's 1st day of 3rd grade and I can say he wasn't thrilled that he had to get up this morning. This is the first summer that Jeremy has really got to stay home and not required to get up and go to daycare or Kid's hideout and it was nice for everyone. I was able to have enough HTS hours that Sammie could come in and watch him. I would take Jeremy to Extended school year services for 4 hours a day, then he returned home for the remainder of the day.
What is so amazing to me is exactly 9 years ago Jeremy graduated the EOPC (Eastern Oklahoma Perinal Center) @ St. Francis. We had been there since birth for 11 days and he came home weighing exactly what he did at birth, 5 pds and 3 oz. I was happy to be going home but I was afraid, them 11 days were not a picnic, that is where we found out that Jeremy was not going to be a typical child. We were given a list of physicians to follow up with and signs that we needed to watch Jeremy for. When we put him in our car, I cried to myself with fear because I was not qualified to be this child's mom. I couldn't take care of him. We were approved for 3 days of home health nurse visit and that was my sanity. It was a comfort for her to come the next day and confirm I was doing what needed to be done for Jeremy (although I didn't sleep any that night because I stayed up all night watching him). I started to feel better as the days went on and gained confidence in my mother skills and realized that not only could I be Jeremy's mother but I was the BEST mother for Jeremy. I wasn't picked from a mother tree and I don't believe that GOD gives special needs children to special moms. GOD did pick me to be a mom and GOD has a special plan for Jeremy's life regardless of his needs. I've had a vision for many years of Jeremy standing up in front of people and his words are, "this is what they told my mom would happen but this is what GOD did". I am a mom who has a child with special needs and would literally fight a bear if it stood in my way of getting Jeremy what he needs. GOD gives us our children and that is our job, to teach them about him, so they can return to him.

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