
Monday, August 25, 2008

The creativity of Jeremy....

I have this glass vase that came with flowers and some light blue rocks so when the flowers died I washed it out and sit it on my kitchen window and when the sun shines in it sparkles. My mom informed me that it would be a good home and thinks Jeremy should have a fish. I came back into the kitchen after putting up Jeremy's clothes and remember he is still in a cast and he was sitting on the kitchen cabinet drinking the water out of that vase. This is how I envision that little fish's life at our house. What if there had been a fish in that vase? Some say he would have ate it, but Jeremy has to put everything up to his nose and smell it before he eats it. That poor little fish would get stuffed somewhere and I would find it days or maybe weeks later. Now why would Jeremy's mom think that of such a sweet, little adorable boy? Jeremy is a typical little ornery boy who has a certain creativity about him and for some reason beyond me has this need to stuff things in places. When Jeremy first became mobile I would get up in the morning put something in the microwave and out of the corner of my eye see something green and blue going around in circles, open the door only to find he had put one of his creatures in there. Then there was the time I had given Jeremy a banana but noticed a banana was missing so I searched for his favorite stuffing places, was sure he hadn't ate it because he couldn't have peeled it. I get up the next morning take out the toaster and put his toaster scramblers in and the toaster starts smoking. Have you ever toasted a banana in the peeling? Well it doesn't smell good and the toaster didn't survive. Friday I get home and start sorting my laundry into piles before Jeremy gets home. I am going through the pile and notice in the laundry basket there are two hands and two paws sticking out underneath a pile of clothes, I look down only to uncover Jeremy's monkey. Although these things can be messy, they always make me chuckle and wonder where he gets the idea or why he does that.

Here is a video of Jeremy taken yesterday evening and a conversation that occurred between us. Again remember Jeremy is in a cast and not suppose to get wet and he's mostly non-verbal but check out his gestures and his face as he first notices that he got caught. I might also add, I went inside to get my camera to take a picture of him on his little tyke bike on the other side of the yard and came outside and couldn't find him, he got on the back patio all by himself.

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