
Monday, June 28, 2010

Heart visit was good....

Today was our 3 year visit with Dr. Klewier. Jeremy was actually acting shy and wouldn't even interact with Dr. K until the end and then he started showing his personality. We did an echocardigram back in March when we got our 3D CT scan because we were going to need one before surgery. Dr. K wasn't even recommending we do one because his last one was so good. Jeremy's heart is doing great, she said clinically it's awesome he continues to have some "mild" mitral valve reguiration but she said it wouldn't be any different then from me and her. J's mitral valve still continues to work better than it did. Jeremy was so good today in the office, he let them do the EKG, get his blood pressure and pulse ox. These are normally impossible test to get done on Jeremy, he will pull off the sticky tabs as they put them on, or he removes the blood pressure cup and they put the finger monitor on him and he's ripping it off. Jeremy even let Dr. K to listen to him, feel his pulse in various locations. Dr. K recommends we come back in 3-5 years, if we are doing a procedure during that time she will coordinate an echocardigram but she really doesn't recommend we get before 3 years. We can also get one done in her office, it only takes 15 minutes of Jeremy laying still and Jeremy showed today that he can do it. I have to call next week and get a copy of her office notes to take to our trip to Columbia. Good office visit, this was one that I always thought we would struggle with.

Here is a picture of Jeremy twirling around in her chair, these chair were smaller than what we were use to and he could climb up there and sit down. He was having fun doing this....

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