Jeremy has that little book, it starts out with a carpenter who has a tool box, a teacher with an apple, ABC and stuffed animals and a Pediatrician w/ medical bag listening to the dolls heart, it goes on with architect, artist, race car driver, chef, mail carrier and zookeeper. I try to add lots of animation since Jeremy responds to the expressive voice. I am surprised at each time he brings me the book and we start to read it he goes to the page with the Pediatrician and won’t let me turn the page.
The bible tells us, “in order to come to Christ you must come as a child” or “a child will lead them”. My son is a leader and teacher and I still an in awe at how the little simple things GOD uses these points to teach me through Jeremy, something as simple as his, “What will I be today” book.
The thought was what will I be today? What am I today? We all wear many different hats. I am a scheduler for OG&E and schedule the Sapulpa-Drumright District jobs to work. I am the regional coordinator for the Oklahoma Family Network, I train supporting parents, I support parents, visit families, coordinate toys 4 angels, Tulsa Sibshops. I am a daughter, I walk into the house last night with my phone ringing, and my dad saying, “do you want to talk to your mom” just walked in I hadn’t called her but realized I don’t know that I talked to her since the weekend. I am a sister, talked to one of my sisters yesterday about meeting up to exchange some stuff, thought about my other sister wondering if she is going to Columbia, MO with Jeremy and I over the holidays. I am a mother to an amazing little boy who is closer to the heart of GOD at 11 years then I will ever be in my life, he is so amazedly innocent and just loves because he loves. I am a friend, yesterday several of my friends had birthdays, I posted on their facebook and called 1 of them.
These hats can all change at any time, but one thing for certain that will never ever change, I am a sinner only saved by GOD’S grace. This hat will remain in effect until GOD calls his people home. I am so grateful that I have GOD’s grace to help guide me, love me, lead me in the right direction and I have to choose who will I be today? Will I be a Christian who lets GOD loves flow through and points others to Christ or will I give into the temptations of the world, and sin.
What will you be today?
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