
Friday, September 23, 2011

The Chicken dance.....

 Oh Life in Jeremy world with Jeremy is funny.   I got him a birthday card that plays the chicken dance song and he also has chicken dance Elmo.  Jeremy loves just about anything that will play music and loves it even more if you make a big production out of it.  For many years, I've been singing, acting goofy to Elmo who does the chicken dance and the nurse and I have both been showing Jeremy the chicken dance to his card.  Jeremy sits and watch, he started the other day, clapping, flapping his hands and making a sound like "bawk".  He has this book he loves to have read to him a million times, "The Laughing calf" which there is a chicken that says, bawk, bawk, bawk as he walks by.  Jeremy climbed on the table last night, Mr center of attention and was moving his arms around and making a sound like bawk so the best I could tell this is J's version of the chicken dance..... Here are the pictures, I will try to capture a video...

The little monkey boy always scoots a chair over to the sink, sits down and helps me wash dishes Jeremy style so I was surprised last night when he crawled over, pulled himself to stand and stood there by me doing dishes Jeremy style....

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