
Friday, September 16, 2011

Living the days of fall in Jeremy World

Wow, I must say after a 100 plus days of triple digits temperatures Oklahoma finally cooled down and I have to say I’m loving this cooler weather. It has given Jeremy the opportunity to play outside and he LOVES that.

I got the opportunity last Friday to volunteer for the United Way Day of Caring and I worked at Community Care an agency that provides food and clothing for families in need. I’ve been so absorbed in the lives of families who have children with special needs for the past 12 years because that is my ministry so it was good to switch gears and a reminder there are lot of people out there that need help. I am blessed, GOD has always blessed me with a good job that I can provide for Jeremy and I.

Alright let us get to the topic of this blog, Jeremy who is feeling really good, energetic, oh so ornery and full of himself. I walk into the kitchen after going to his bedroom to put up his clothes and find monkey boy standing in a regular kitchen chair with a cabinet door open, 10 mini-cereal boxes laying all around the floor but not before he tore the top off of each one. I was sleeping Saturday morning only to have Jeremy stick his face next to mine and I could picture his sweet little, sleepy face just waking up so I opened my eyes to look at him and say, “good morning” and he blew raspberries in my face. It was time for me to get up and have a cup of coffee. Sunday morning, Jeremy had to wake me up by crawling around to my side of the bed, stand up, pound on the bed with his hands and say “UP”. J’s newest game, he crawls as fast as he can to the door, pulls himself to stand by the banister, unlocks the dead-bolt, swings open the door and out he goes and sits on the porch. He is so funny and so stinking fast, the time it takes me to walk into his room or mine to put up something I come into the living room to find the door wide open and him sitting on the porch laughing so hard he can’t breathe.

J had PT on Monday and did fantastic, PT had him to make the whole circle through the kitchen and living room with walker with no help. He played kick ball while up in the walker for about 8 minutes. Monday he got to meet our 3 new OU PT students, J was sitting in the floor and these 3 young, pretty girls walk in and there went the crinkle of the nose and smile, he was being Mr. charming. We sit around and talked about Jeremy, he had to take pens, papers, write on a few of them to leave his makr and was trying to steal one of their phones but he did really well when I told him to give it back. He then moved on to the “feet” game, you take off your shoes and he sits on your feet or puts your feet on his head. He had one time that he was pulling one of the girl’s hair that we had to battle that one out. He has been tired this week but has worked very hard.

The result of the Kidney/bladder ultra-sound was good, no reflux in the kidneys and no damage.  We do the Uro-dynamic study next Friday and then follow with Dr. Oren Miller.  I am not anticpating much change if any.  I keep Thanking GOD that we've had no UTI's since the 1st of August....

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