Mrs. Mary found him a backpack at Target and was so generous to purchase it for him, it has wheels on it so Jeremy can be more independent, he can't carry his backpack and device (it is heavy for me). Here is a picture at school, where they took him out in the hall to practice with his new backpack and you can tell by his face he really likes this idea. He looks like such a big boy.
I had to go up to school to turn in Jeremy's first round of the World's finest chocolate sale and pick up some more candy bars to sell. I stepped into the room to observe and see what he was doing. It was rest time and the lights were off for the children who were resting but Jeremy doesn't rest so he was roaming. He couldn't see that I was standing in the back of the room, but at one point he was putting his hand in the teacher's purse not messing with anything but just waiting to see if someone noticed him in which they did and he moved on to something else. I stood in the back and talked to the para's and he's been doing really well, playing outside with the other children and initiating play with them. Jeremy finally discovered mom was watching him so he came over and took out his Math bucket and wanted to sit down with the para and show me what he was doing. He also loves the computer and is doing better with it at school. He will be on spring break all next week and tonight we meet a new HTS that will work with him on Monday.
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