We started out the week with really warm temperatures and some parts even got tornado's. I promised Jeremy yesterday that I would treat him to biscuits and sausage gravy. On our adventure ride to McDonald's I was singing the Oklahoma State song (or what I knew of the song) which that means I was making up some of my own words which you can bet included our unpredictable weather and snow in March. Jeremy joined in and was singing as well. I really wasn't sure if we would get any of the the snow they were anticipating but we woke up to ground covered with white and some fairly large snow flakes falling. The ironic thing is I took off at 3 yesterday to run some errands before Jeremy got home, I left work to pouring rain, it wasn't too cold and the rain slowed down but I drove home in thunder, lightning and hail. The hail was so thick it covered the ground. I received a shock 15 minutes later when I went to get Jeremy off the bus in a t-shirt, Capri's and flip flops. The temperature must have dropped 20 degrees as it was cold. Crazy Oklahoma weather, but born and raised in Oklahoma I love Oklahoma. I didn't get any pictures as I still can't find my digital camera but getting ready to go through Jeremy's never ending toy box to see if it got stuck in there by an unarmed source.
I had originally had scheduled an OFN mentorship training in Tahlequah for today, but we had decided to cancel it due to low attendance. It was a good call due to weather but I guess it wouldn't be Oklahoma if we didn't have a good snow in March.
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