
Sunday, March 8, 2009

Wrap up my baby...

This morning we were getting ready for church, I was fixing Jeremy's breakfast and threw in a load of clothes into the washer. When it was time to put the clothes in the dryer, Jeremy likes to help. I hand him the clothes and he puts them in the dryer, I set the timer and he pushes the start button. In the process of putting the clothes in the dryer he latched on to a wet wash cloth to cover up his baby. Taking care of his babies are important to him. I convinced him to take a dry wash cloth to cover up his baby, so he carefully laid it over the baby but it didn't last. Jeremy came up to me and says, "wrap baby". It wasn't a plain, clear statement but I knew exactly what he was saying.

He had a HUGE melt down Friday evening in The Dollar store, I needed to buy some pop for sibshops the next day. Jeremy found these two dolls and I kept telling him we were not buying the baby dolls, but he could have a little stroller to push his baby in. When we got ready to check out, Jeremy had other idea and that was to take the baby dolls home with him. Jeremy laid down on the floor and threw a fit. He was tired and once we got in the car he had calmed down.

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