It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood a beautiful day in the neighborhood oh won't you be my neighbor........
It was a wonderful Monday morning. Jeremy did sleep a little better and woke up so much like Jeremy. He would not lay back down and while I was taking my shower I was being pelleted by flying fruit cups. When I was trying to put on my makeup he was insisting on me feeding him the fruit, I told him go get me a spoon. He left and came back with all the spoons and I had to turn my face to giggle because this is just a Jeremy thing. When it was time to leave for school, I told J, "go get in the car" and he did it, he of course had to pick up 1 of his bouncing balls. When he went to climb in the back seat he pushed his car seat out of the way because he doesn't feel he needs to sit in it, but I know he doesn't stay seated so it's not an option. When we arrived at school, I put his AFO and shoes on, sit the stroller out, put him in it went to reach in for his backpack and he was out of the stroller. He decided he needed to push it. Once inside the school he took off to the opposite direction and he knows he is not suppose to, a quick look at Misty and he came back over there. This is all such typical Jeremy attitude that I've not got to see in a while, so a challenging morning was a welcome sight.
I came to work to a team meeting and our yearly United way presentation, with a very inspirational speech from our VP. I love my job at OG&E, I love my co-workers and the way they care about the communities we serve. This also serves as a reminder that Fall is knocking at our door steps. I love fall, to see the colors change. I am excited about our trip back to see Dr. Dan in a few weeks to Columbia, MO, it will be a pretty drive with the colors changing. I love the cooler temps, fall festivals, thanksgiving, Christmas.
Tonight is we have nothing to do night. I will visit families in the Children's hospital tomorrow evening and Jeremy go to respite. Wednesday we meet our OU PT/OT students for the first time, these are the ones who were assigned Jeremy. Thursday, Jeremy will have behavior therapy with Matt for the first time since July. I actually think the last time we seen Matt was when we were in Osage Beach, I happened to post something on facebook about Miner Mike's where I was taking Jeremy to play that evening and he was on vacation with his family. Friday is we have nothing to do night. Saturday is Metabolic/genetic support group meeting and Jeremy will attend respite so that is my "me" day. Sunday after church we will go to our annual Oklahoma Family Network Harvest of Hope Reunion at the Harn Homestead in OKC. We get to meet up with families we have known through the years, friends and new families.
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