The Tasmanian devil spun a web of destruction leaving a path of magazines scattered and torn in my living room. The thing is I don't know when this occurred. It was under my watch. I don't know if it was because I was glued to the TV on Tuesday watching all the tornadoes rip through our area that I didn't notice or perhaps when he finally came to bed he stopped on his way. I didn't even notice it when we left for school/work yesterday but we are normally rushing out the door. I came home yesterday evening and it hit me in the face, I had to giggle and ask, When? Why?
I ran a few errands yesterday evening, Jeremy was home with his nurse Freda, whom he really loves. I get home and boy was I in trouble. Here comes Jeremy crawling into the living room, really telling me something, not sure what all he wanted me to know but it was important. He's had a few days of being Mr. Boss man. The bus driver said he got on to her when she was telling one child to sit down and put on his seat belt, and his para said he was helping her boss the children around yesterday. Mr. Big boy 5th grader. I follow him to the bedroom where he has a magazine open, doing his little pointing finger at a page thing he does, like look at this, now. This is just funny and I laughed, the article was, "How to raise a good man". I looked at him and said, "am I not doing it right" he puts his little hand over his mouth and chuckles....I would have loved to crawl inside his head to know what he was saying, and his thoughts....
This morning the Taz devil almost gave me a heart attack. We are driving to latch-key, radio blasting, I'm singing, turn around to sing to him and talk about his day and HE WASN'T IN HIS CAR SEAT. I would like to think I would never be too busy or preoccupied that I would forget my only son, but it caught me off guard and just for a second that was my thought, where is Jeremy did I forget him. He got out of his car seat, which requires un-buckling his car seat belt (I didn't have it latched tight) and under the car seat. He was sitting in the floor board laughing.
This song is titled, "Lead Me" by Sanctus Real, I've been hearing it for a few months and it really has impacted my thinking. I am currently the leader of our household so it's made me think am I chasing things I can do without therefore putting Jeremy at risk to not be lead, not standing up for him since he can't stand up for himself, loving him so he feels my love. GOD please lead me so I can lead him....
.....even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
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