
Sunday, May 29, 2011

Getting ready for Summer 2011....

Jeremy graduated 5th grade on Thursday, May 26 and had his 5th grade fun-day on Friday, which he had a blast that was his last day of school so he is officially out for the summer.  He came home from school and took a nap he was worn out.  He got up bright and early with me on Saturday morning.  I started my Memorial day routine which is cleaning and organizing to get ready for the summer months of him being home with staff.  J watched me clean out the carport while he listened to his Pandora internet radio.  There were piles of leaves that blew in during the fall/winter months and I hadn't had time to get out there to spend time getting them picked up.  That was a chore that is now finished and it looks nice.  We got the back patio cleaned off.  We went to church on Sunday morning and came home to start the task of cleaning J's room.  I'm sorry to say that 3 bags of mis-matched or broken toys didn't make the cut and got thrown away, but you can actually see the floor in his room.  I also stored some toys in his closet for the church garage sale.  We then went in search of a patio set.  I've been saying since spring I was getting us one, but hadn't seen any I liked plus I really needed to get the roof replaced first.  We found the perfect one for us at Westlake Hardware, nice table and 4 seats.  J likes to play outside, his kitchen set is on the back patio so he can play out there in the shade and this will give me a place to sit or staff while he is playing.  I told him we would have to eat our dinner out there some evening.  
J and mom

J with Papa

J with Miranda (cousin)

J with Aunt Angie

J mad, when he woke up the picnic was over

J picnic

Happy J

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