
Saturday, March 28, 2009

Your doing fine Oklahoma !!!!!! O.K.

We started out the week with really warm temperatures and some parts even got tornado's. I promised Jeremy yesterday that I would treat him to biscuits and sausage gravy. On our adventure ride to McDonald's I was singing the Oklahoma State song (or what I knew of the song) which that means I was making up some of my own words which you can bet included our unpredictable weather and snow in March. Jeremy joined in and was singing as well. I really wasn't sure if we would get any of the the snow they were anticipating but we woke up to ground covered with white and some fairly large snow flakes falling. The ironic thing is I took off at 3 yesterday to run some errands before Jeremy got home, I left work to pouring rain, it wasn't too cold and the rain slowed down but I drove home in thunder, lightning and hail. The hail was so thick it covered the ground. I received a shock 15 minutes later when I went to get Jeremy off the bus in a t-shirt, Capri's and flip flops. The temperature must have dropped 20 degrees as it was cold. Crazy Oklahoma weather, but born and raised in Oklahoma I love Oklahoma. I didn't get any pictures as I still can't find my digital camera but getting ready to go through Jeremy's never ending toy box to see if it got stuck in there by an unarmed source.

I had originally had scheduled an OFN mentorship training in Tahlequah for today, but we had decided to cancel it due to low attendance. It was a good call due to weather but I guess it wouldn't be Oklahoma if we didn't have a good snow in March.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

That !!!!

Monday, while Jeremy was doing speech we discovered Jeremy was saying, "that" and was doing a really good job on occasion of signing, "eat". He kept pointing to my purse (my mobile phone and pocket PC reside there and he loves to play with them) and we realized he was saying, "that". He has had a good week at school, working really hard, eating really well and he is sleeping well.

Exactly 4 years ago we were in Salt Lake City, UT seeing Dr. John Optiz and he diagnosed Jeremy with "Severe" FG syndrome.

I really have been praying about him sitting in church. I really want Jeremy to be a big boy and sit there. I have tried him in worship which he did OK, he loves music so it only seemed like a good time. I was in the nursery this past Sunday so I didn't try him. I'm going to be working with Matt our behavior teacher and my preacher's wife is giving me some suggestions. I was excited to see an announcement in our church bulletin that when it gets warmer we are going to take pictures for a church directory, so Jeremy and I will have a picture taken. The one of me and him on the front of his blog was taken when he was about 3 years old.

We had some sad news in our church, we lost a wonderful, faithful saint. Ale Allman was killed instantly in a car wreck and went to meet her GOD. We had her memorial on Tuesday at our church. Ale was the type of person that I will always remember with a smile on her face, always thinking of others. I know it's not for me to question GOD but it did make me realize how I need to always be ready to meet my GOD as well, because only he knows my time.

They are saying we have a chance of winter mix possibly Friday night into Saturday morning and I'm still doing the mind over matter thing and willing it away. The saying I've heard all my life growing up in Oklahoma is, "if you don't like the weather in Oklahoma stick around it will change." So we will enjoy whatever weather we get, I mean we only were having major thunderstorms earlier in the week.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Jeremy spelled his name....

Jeremy brought home a certificate yesterday for, "All Star speller" certificate for spelling his name, he did this with stickers. He had an awesome day at school and even speech therapy yesterday evening, he focused and paid attention to the task at hand. He also did a paper circling summer things pretty much unassisted, she said he is also identifying sight words on a computer program. Our assistive tech (talking) device is broke and we had to send it back in to get it fixed, hopefully we will get that back soon.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spring break 2009 !!!!

Jeremy had a GREAT spring break, the weather was just too perfect. We really just hung around the house, everyone tries to do stuff over spring break and most the places are packed and Jeremy doesn't do too well with the waiting. We would take walks around the neighborhood, go to the park. Thursday was Jeremy's only appointment for the week and we had to pick up his new AFO and some adjustments made to his back brace. John our Orthodist was going to touch base with Dr. Anangost our surgeon to see what he thinks. We met my friend from Oklahoma City, her son, Joe, her nephew, Jake at their motel in Tulsa. We visited with them for a while and then joined them over at, "Incredible Pizza". Jeremy did really fairly well, even with all the stimulation, he discovered the basketball game and really loved that game so we spent lot of time there. Jeremy got really worn out and fell asleep on the way home. He was so tired and the next morning I had signed him up at Special Kids daycare for a couple of hours so I could go to a Soonerstart staff meeting and then I went by to visit families in the hospital. I picked him up about 1pm and they said he had so much fun, I could tell he was tired. They said he ate all his lunch, and when we got home he ended up eating about 3 pieces of pizza.

So, back to life tomorrow I go back to work and Jeremy goes back to school. Jeremy is has no more breaks until school is out for the summer. There will be no spring break pictures because I have not found my digital camera to this date.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Jeremy on spring break

Jeremy started spring break yesterday, he had a new HTS that came and stayed with him. She did a really good job, and he wanted to leave with her when she left. Today he has Melissa back who watched him some over Christmas, she is an OU OT student, he was already playing chase with her when I left for work. Today is my last day of work and I'll be joining him for spring break Wed, Thursday and Friday. Jeremy only has one appointment on Thursday and that is to get his new AFO and adjust his back brace, then we will be going to the park to play with some other children. I think Wed or Friday we will go to the zoo just the two of us or park do something fun for him. I will post more later on the activities and some pictures.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Mr. Iron Man

This is Jeremy at school with his talking device. Mrs. Mary programed him a home page that has a picture of Jeremy that when he pushes the button it tells about him, his name. It also has a picture of his teacher, Mrs. Parsons.

Mrs. Mary found him a backpack at Target and was so generous to purchase it for him, it has wheels on it so Jeremy can be more independent, he can't carry his backpack and device (it is heavy for me). Here is a picture at school, where they took him out in the hall to practice with his new backpack and you can tell by his face he really likes this idea. He looks like such a big boy.

I had to go up to school to turn in Jeremy's first round of the World's finest chocolate sale and pick up some more candy bars to sell. I stepped into the room to observe and see what he was doing. It was rest time and the lights were off for the children who were resting but Jeremy doesn't rest so he was roaming. He couldn't see that I was standing in the back of the room, but at one point he was putting his hand in the teacher's purse not messing with anything but just waiting to see if someone noticed him in which they did and he moved on to something else. I stood in the back and talked to the para's and he's been doing really well, playing outside with the other children and initiating play with them. Jeremy finally discovered mom was watching him so he came over and took out his Math bucket and wanted to sit down with the para and show me what he was doing. He also loves the computer and is doing better with it at school. He will be on spring break all next week and tonight we meet a new HTS that will work with him on Monday.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Wrap up my baby...

This morning we were getting ready for church, I was fixing Jeremy's breakfast and threw in a load of clothes into the washer. When it was time to put the clothes in the dryer, Jeremy likes to help. I hand him the clothes and he puts them in the dryer, I set the timer and he pushes the start button. In the process of putting the clothes in the dryer he latched on to a wet wash cloth to cover up his baby. Taking care of his babies are important to him. I convinced him to take a dry wash cloth to cover up his baby, so he carefully laid it over the baby but it didn't last. Jeremy came up to me and says, "wrap baby". It wasn't a plain, clear statement but I knew exactly what he was saying.

He had a HUGE melt down Friday evening in The Dollar store, I needed to buy some pop for sibshops the next day. Jeremy found these two dolls and I kept telling him we were not buying the baby dolls, but he could have a little stroller to push his baby in. When we got ready to check out, Jeremy had other idea and that was to take the baby dolls home with him. Jeremy laid down on the floor and threw a fit. He was tired and once we got in the car he had calmed down.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

We survived...

I was in Norman all last week for work, I was put on a team to look at some of our process. My mom was gracious to come and stay with Jeremy, so that meant he was able to stay in his own home which is familiar to him. Jeremy had a GREAT week, I read the reports from each day and he was doing so well, I was proud of him. Matt our behavior teacher came over Tuesday and he was telling me how compliant Jeremy was so I told Matt that maybe Jeremy's mom has the behavior issues and needs therapy. I was glad to get home on Friday evening and Jeremy seemed thrilled to have me home, he's been very clingy all weekend.

Jeremy will be on spring break March 16 through March 20. I'm going to take off Wed, Thursday and Friday of that week. I'm going to try to get him some pictures taken during that time. I'm thinking of taking him up to Oklahoma City to the Orr Family farm, we went there for our OFN picnic this fall but we got lost, got there late so he really didn't get to explore, but if we could spend all day he would love it.