
Friday, August 20, 2010

1st day of 5th grade...

Today has been an emotional, bittersweet day. I seen parents on my way to work, gathering their children, I passed the school bus in our neighborhood, kids walking to school. It is the 1st day of school for Sapulpa Public schools. I would normally be rushing around to get myself ready, get Jeremy ready and would make a game out of getting to the car so we could leave. I would rush home from work and wait for the bus to drop Jeremy off. We would talk on the way to the house. This was Jeremy's 1st day in the 5th grade and his last year at Jefferson-Heights Elementary school.

It's tough to see my little boy at home recovering from his 1st spine surgery and miss not just the 1st day but possibly 1-2 weeks and transition back to 1/2 days.

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