It's been a roller coaster day. Jeremy had some fluid settled in his lungs, he has been on oxygen off and on most the day, they are giving him an antibotic, breathing treatments and being aggressive. Dr. Dan had PT to come in get Jeremy up and Dr. Robertson hooked up the traction. Jeremy sit in the chair for over 2 hours in traction with 2 pounds. He had been pretty much whining off and on, trying to sleep but couldn't but he really did better sitting in the chair and seemed to enjoy it but it wore him smooth out, when they put him in bed he passed out and sleep the soundest I have heard him in a long time, he doesn't sleep that soundly at home. I might also add he's not had any pain medicine since early this morning. If he doesn't improve they will look at intubation as the last restort to give his lungs time to rest and him to heal. His breathing is so much better, he is having more productive coughs, and they are turning the oxygen down. He was just giving a breathing treatment and he's been wide awake, alert and getting that glimmer back into his eyes.
Dr. Dan is still confused and not sure why he has had the neurological change, when PT got him up he wouldn't put any weight on his legs, but when he tickles or pinches him he flexs and moves so he is not sure why when the surgery went as he would have hoped for so he is not sure what is going on but if that doens't improve he feels uncomfortable with proceeding with our plan so we are now at 70% chance of no surgery on Friday. What does that mean, we don't know. He could send us home in his brace, see us back in 6 weeks and do and see where he is at neurological. Nothing is set in stone, this could be due to J's being sedated, fighting this stuff in his lungs we just don't know or just recovery from the major spine surgery. We would all dance if he was to jump up out of the bed and run down the hall.
Prayer request: Pray for lung health, that Jeremy continues to improve, he can cough productive, continue to feel better and pray for his legs that he will start using them and get back that neurological puzzle we are missing.
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