Today at exactly 9am GOD answered an 8 year long prayer for me, and blessed me with a child I had so longed for. It was shortly after 12:30, when Dr. Cyrus made his
2nd appearance into our lives and gave me the news that no parent wants to hear, it wasn't just that he has hydrocephalus but it was my son was going to have issues that I had no control over, and didn't understand. I felt cheated and wronged. I was a christian had faith in GOD, youth director for over 10 years, very involved in my church this doesn't happen to me. God has really been using the passage Jeremiah 29:11 in my life this year, it all goes back to GOD didn't want to hurt me or Jeremy but GOD has a plan for my life and Jeremy. 11 years later, I look back and see how GOD has used J's life to bring many people to his ways and understanding, I see how he has used me to minstry to other families. I've learned and the blessings of so many people GOD has brought into our lives to work and take care of Jeremy. I don't take for granted things in life. GOD blessed me beyond measure on August 9, 1999 he gave me Jeremy, he entrusted me with this precious life.
I know this is not the ideal situation for a 11 year old boy, but this is the plan.
Happy birthday to the best little boy in the entire world, who has brought happiness beyond imagination, tears of joy, tears of pain, heart ache but also unconditional love, as well as the many in our live that has been a blessing. Jeremy enjoyes life, loving and living and shows me back to GOD on a daily basis.
I love you Jeremy Ray and couldn't imagine my life any different....HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEREMY !!!!!
Thank you for sharing this. I think of Landon's life the same way. It was something that no parent should have to face but God used it to reach others and I feel so proud that I am able to use his life and death for God's will and not live in bitterness.
I am blessed to have met you and Jeremy through this journey. Thank you for all you do for families and the children. You will have a huge reward in heaven.
Christina, I thank GOD that you were brought into my life you touched my life that year at the radio-thon with sharing Landon's story and I know that wasn't easy but you reached out to many..
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