
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Jeremy's day....

Jeremy has been alert most of the day, he goes in and out of sleep but he is looking around, and checking out things. He is saying words especially UP but has been shaking his cute little head like he does and saying, "NO". He did sit in the wheelchair in traction for over 1 1/2 hours. He acts like he is hurting on the side that the rib was removed which would not be uncommon, and he's had no pain meds since yesterday. His breathing is better, his oxygen levles are staying consistent so they will check an X-ray in the morning, the one today was a little worse than yesterday but Dr. Wankum the intensvist feels it's just lagging behind after clinically looking at him. He is struggling with some bowel movement issues but we are giving him something for that. Kaitlyn, the PT says he did put some weight on his legs. We were able to advance his diet, he has ate a cup of vanilla & chocolate pudding, he got mad 1/2 way through the 1st cup and took it from me and held on to it. I neogiated the 2nd cup for the cup not yet open and he's happy hanging on to something. I think maybe he feels like he can control that. We are getting 2 new roomies tonight, but I had planned on staying up here tonight as he is more alert, cranky.

Dr. Dan just came by, he had surgeries today and he's still not moving his legs as he would like to see them, but he is encouraged by his pulmonary status, him being alert and he is starting to flex his toes and he is seeing more good things. He still isn't saying, yes or no to surgery on friday but he is talking about putting him back in full traction, continue to work with PT, keeping us here and moving forward with the 2nd surgery, but no date but J would be a first priority. We could be here a little longer than we thought, but again knew this was a possibility. Dr. Dan said he would come back by and check on him before he left, he had to run down to make a phone call.

I gave him Dr. Cyrus phone number and told him that we had talked this morning about J's behavior, his timeframe, his world being rocked and he said he would give him a call to touch base with him.

Continue to pray for lung health for Jeremy, movement and get back to his little old ornery self.

1 comment:

Cheri said...

Hang in there you two! Can't imagine what Jeremy's going through right now, but surely it will all be worth it in the end. Praying for you guys!