
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A new day.....

We have just spent most of this week trying to get back to living our life here in Oklahoma.  The weather is beyond words AWESOME, spring like and I am so loving this.  In the mornings outside the bathroom window I can hear the birds.  I hope for an early spring.   

J had his appointment with Dr. Steven Confer, the Pediatric Urologist, our newest physican.  He had a nice, young nurse with long hair who gave Jeremy lot of attention so he was happy with that.  Dr. Confer wanted to remove the cathear, less chance of infection, Jeremy was starting to mess with it and he wanted to give Jeremy a chance to start urinating on his own.  This means until J starts to urinate on his own I must straight cath him 3 times a day, even if he does urinate on his own to make sure he empties his bladder.  This gives Jeremy some freedom away from the hose and bag to carry around.  I measure and document it each time I cath him.  We go back in 3 weeks to see Dr. Confer unless something comes up between then.  If this don't work he can put the cathear back in.   This will be a routine we will have to adapt.  They gave me a lesson in doing this in the office, I watched them do it several times at the hospital and feel comfortable.  Our nurse will be at the house this evening so she can observe to make sure I'm doing it correctly.  Dr. Confer's nurse gave me her direct line and said call anytime.  He said Jeremy should drain about 300 cc. 

The big day, J started back to school after his appointment.  We got there about 11:30 just in time for him to eat lunch in the cafeteria and I know he is going to enjoy being out of the house and off the couch.  The kids have all been asking about him so he will get plenty of attention with them coming up to say, "hi Jeremy".  His teacher and para were happy to see him.  He was all smiles and happy, but I'm sure will be exhausted when he gets home.  The PT is going to evaulate him today, his para said he laid on the floor for a while but was up working.  The stimulation is going to be good for him to push him.  A new day tomorrow he starts back at morning latch-key, so this will be his first full day since January 10.  We will have the weekend to rest up.

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