
Monday, February 7, 2011

Removal of 2 screws...

On January 28, Dr. Dan got all the hardware installed (screws) before he had to stop the surgery.   J has about 20 in his back.  When he did the CT scan there was 1 screw he wasn't happy with the placement.    He was waiting to see if he was going to place the rods and do the fusion while we were still here, but since the plan is to go home to rebuild lost motor skills, he felt uncomfortable, he said, "he would never forgive himself if something happened".  He had planned to take J back to the OR today, to remove that 1 screw but last night when he was looking at the CT scan he said there was another one in the same area, it would be the same incision so he was going to remove it as well.  Jeremy did well during the procedure, he was out less than 30 minutes, maintained good blood pressure, little loss of blood.  Jeremy will return to the PICU for the day, his diet will resume as normal, he will have PT get him up, if he's tolerating it, then tomorrow we will go out to the floor.  He is going to have the nurses to clap off the cathear and give him bladder time to contract and then try to remove tomorrow.

Prayer request::  Pray that the cathear can be removed tomorrow and Jeremy can pee on his own.  Pray for leg health, for him to start building back them muscles and moving them legs.  The sooner the rods can be placed the better, since the incision will still be easy to open and the less time he has him on the table the better in his eyes.  Continue to pray for Dr. Dan, as he starts to make future plans for J, we discussed several options, nothing set in stone, he leans on the side of caution when it comes to J and that is why I respect and trust him with Jeremy, I told him, "if you don't know it's ok to tell me you don't know", he said, "OK, I don't know for sure".  I said OK good enough.  My little man has returned to his room.....

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