Yesterday, J's nurse (Elizabeth) was sweet enough to give Jeremy her I-phone while she was trying to get his Cather back in. She had this free download Pandora, it's an Internet radio station, AWESOME. Her station was set to Journey, so it plays songs similar to that group. I confess I set J's up to Journey, I was trying to get her phone back.
Last night looked to be a rough night, J was tossing, turning, not sleeping, he's been occasionally throwing in an extra heart beat, they were setting up the EKG, his blood pressure was not being stable and there was the chance he was going back on the BP drip. I was extremely frustrated, and like I've done so many times in J's life, cried out to GOD to make this alright for J. I took the phone and changed it to Michael W. Smith, who is my FAV christian worship singer. Once I got it set, the very first song that played is one of my favorite worship songs, "Above all", if you know the song, "above all powers, above all kings, above all nature, above all created things, above all wisdom, and all the ways of man, you were here before the world began, above all wonders the world has ever known, there's no way to measure what your worth, crucified, laid behind the stone, you lived to die, rejected and alone, like a rose, you were trampled to the ground,, you took the fall and thought of me, above all". Once again, GOD has used my 11 1/2 year old son who has special needs in a tough, emotional situation to teach me a lesson. I honestly think that if Dr. Dan had proceeded in August, that J would have had perment damage and I think had he proceeded this past Friday, that Jeremy would not have survived the surgery and I am so thankful for Dr. Dan who knew when to say I'm not going on, even if it means he has to tell me you are coming back to Columbia. GOD knows J needed this in 3 surgeries, he knows, he is above all.
The thought hit me really hard like it normally because I am hard-headed. Lora, open your eyes, this is above you, this isn't about you, this isn't about J, this is about the one who was here before the world began, the one who knows more than any created thing, he is above all wisdom because he is all wisdom, it's about the one that took the fall, who was rejected by a world who was afraid of him, who was trampled like a rose,who was laid behind a stone, who lived to die for me, J and the entire world, he took the fall and he thought of me above all. He thought of me above all, WOW, THANK YOU GOD for suffering for me, for J and for the world, this thought gives me freedom, we can accept him into my heart, have faith, live for him and maybe not always understand why things happen the way they do, but have the faith that GOD has a plan, purpose and it's all about the moment that I, you, J step into eternity and you have accepted him into your life, you trusted him. GOD welcomes you into the place he has prepared for his people, where J will not have anymore surgeries, I won't stand over my son's hospital bed anymore, crying out to GOD to heal him and like today listening to that worship music, we will worship this one who thought of us ABOVE ALL.
1 comment:
But all is well this morning, right? Sounds like you're in a better place this morning. I am so glad. We all know you're going through so much, and we all wish we could take the burden of this surgery off you both. I wish there was more we could do, and I wish I could come up there to help you, but I can't right now. There are so many people following you, praying for you both daily, you'll never know how many. Just keep us posted and we'll keep it up until his back is all fixed and he's back to normal. We all love you and we all hurt for you, Honey.
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